For this post, I've gathered together my free and premium sites some you might know and others you might not have come across before that all excellent one-on-one support to help you solve your WordPress issues and get your site looking and running smoothly...
Answers can be voted up and rise to the top essentially, been peer reviewed and is perhaps WordPress help available..
With more than 20,000 members, the Advanced WordPress Facebook Group is one of the best places to meet other WordPress developers, share ideas and knowledge, and get WordPress help..
While technical support is available from 9am-5pm EST Monday to Friday, you can submit support ticket at any time, and the team will get back to you ASAP..
Walkie Talkie, interface in WordPress admin of your site that you can use to submit support requests and bypass the need for email.
By their customers and affinity to sponsor, With 24 7 US-based support, mission driven WordCamps, WP Buffs wants to be the very best technical support partner for any individual, business or organization with WordPress website..
WP Maintainer offers all the usual things other maintenance and support services provide, including updates, backups, security monitoring and custom development... boasts 50+ years of combined WordPress experience and provides comprehensive support, including troubleshooting existing issues, consulting on free and premium themes and plugins and assistance with SEO..
The company started out as WP Valet in 2012, providing monthly professional services and support for WordPress website owners, and expanded to take on more client work after acquiring local design agency.
check out WPMU DEV you can sign up for 14 days and try out the 24 7 support for free or any of the other support and maintenance services I've included in this round-up.
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