My biggest concern is to pass the Diploma in SEO and Digital Marketing Course it would appear all the student has to do is complete online 30 minute exam with only 40 questions pass mark of 60% gets the student diploma.. To be more I believe someone hwhich is the WRONG way to tackle website, to Google this could appear to be cloaking.. Load the home page from Swedish IP address and you are redirected to completely different domain, the implementation is nightmare, whoever did this does not understand SEO or even the limitations of trying to manage visitors via geolocation data... Signup link takes you to https resources languagenut com resources # SignUp which does not load I know why it does not load, URL is missing variable, presumably the number represents package for country and they have not set one for China .. Google is indexing many parts of the site like it's not site AND the language versions of the site have been modified to target different SERPs.. The above is just small sample of SEO and marketing mistakes made on the Languagenut site, I do not think they made any of SEO or account changes to fix important issues.. The funny thing is I made July 2017 and at the I was willing to work full-time on the site throwing my entire network of domains and media accounts behind it's promotion for around £60,000 year bargain for someone with 15+ years online marketing experience.. The skills required to manage optimisation and media accounts take years to master, you can not expect employee to even manage Twitter account and within couple of weeks understand how to create optimised Tweets build following.. The PageSpeed Insights Tool is provided by Google to check website for some of SEO issues related to pagespeed and usability on Mobile and Desktop devices. It does not take that long to build Twitter account with 5,000+ followers, except it does take working on pretty much everyday and to build followers fast is risky candidate will understand Twitter limits and will understand how fast account can be grown without risking ban..
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