In the past, it was possible to work on SEO strategy independently from the rest of the marketing departments. over the past decade or so, search engines have changed through algorithm updates Panda, and the implementation of Google's machine learning. It's no longer for the department to do any work without involving SEO specialists, for instance, because social signals do, at least indirectly, play big part in website's success in the search engines. In order to get the most out of both PR and SEO, the two departments need to work together. Here's overview of why PR and SEO should work together to help the business as whole meet their goals. The backbone of both PR and SEO is to create engaging content. SEO professionals understand that without great content, they wo not see the results they're expecting in the search engines. It's also worthwhile for both to work together to create content schedule. Both PR and SEO have different strengths and weaknesses and working together allows them to best utilize their strengths for the good. By working together to meet company goals and objectives, it will be much easier to utilize each other's strengths.
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