Description... WooCommerce Photo Review help you to allow customer to post reviews include pictures. Auto create and send coupon Create and send coupon for customers who post review.. Coupon for photo review Choose to send discount for only reviews include photos.. Email design Design the email plugin will send customers to ask for review.. Schedule Select time to send email to customers to ask for review when complete order.. Customize email Design the emails send to customers with shortcodes... Product inside mansory popup Product champion score rating and add-to-cart button are displayed inside mansory popup.. Short code reviews Short code to display reviews of selected products categories. with masory layout.. Coupon for reviews of verified owner For each completed order customers will get one and only coupon if they review product contained in the order regardless of number of order line items... Products restriction for Restrict reviews of which products can customers get coupon... Browse the code recheck out SVN repository or subscribe to the development log RSS.... Changelog. v1.0.9.2 2018.04.13.
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