Once WooCommerce plugin has been uploaded and activated set WooCommerce as Commerce Platform on the main settings page for IgnitionDeck... Create your project and its reward levels. Plan your levels and what order they will appear on your project thoughtfully and this will save you from rearranging product variations during the later steps.. Once you have found the categories select the Variations tab. Use the manual. Create variations from all attributes. application in the fall down and double-click Go. This is important as it will assign ID to the variation in the order to align with your reward levels... The created variations will be created. Notice that the refund level numbering is in the view to the variation numbering this is correct... Expand variation and assign each one the price that matches the price for your reward levels in project screen.. From Products screen hover over the product you just created. Make note of ID number that has been assigned to the product... Paste WooCommerce product ID into IgnitionDeck project's edit screen in the part on the center called. WooCommerce Shortcode. and update publish the project... If you do not see WooCommerce Shortcode field you forgot to set and save Commerce Platform as WooCommerce step 1 above... Set the default checkout page in IDCF > Project Settings > Default Checkout to External URL and set URL as http yoursite. com checkout. add-to-cart as per screenshot..
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