For our August meetup, we'll have one-speaker set with Beth Soderberg doing talk titled Beginner Mistakes Lessons Learned from Reviewing Old Work and Inheriting Websites Talk from Beth's perspective is as follows I built my first WordPress site seven years ago and just completed rebuilding that very same website.
In rebuilding this site I have had the opportunity to rethink many of the same problems that presented themselves before and also to reevaluate the I did the time around.
This talk will cover range of beginner mistakes I made in the first build and the way approached solving these same problems now.
We'll also talk about how some changes I've made to the new site are result of trends and technology changes over time.
Overall, this talk is for anyone who is getting started with building WordPress sites with data structures and requirements.
My hope is that you'll learn some of the I learned the hard way the easy way --- As always, food and drink will be sponsored by CHIEF.
We rely on RSVP counts to estimate how much food and drink to purchase for the event.
please update your RSVP as soon as possible -- If possible, try to arrive at the meetup before PM.
The doors to the building lock after PM and we will have in the lobby to escort people up to CHIEF's office..
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