you need to understand the difference between WordPress Posts and Pages..
WordPress also creates RSS feed for your Posts — all Posts, addition to separate feeds for each Archive Page..
One thing to remember about Posts You create Posts in WordPress admin area, then assign it to category.
Pages are not part of the date-organized stream of Posts that you see on Archive Pages or your Page.
It also has some SEO advantages, as Google and other search engines can detect that Pages in given section are related based on the structure of Page addresses..
Now that we're clear on the differences between Posts and Pages, you're probably wondering about Page on your website.
There couple of different ways to change your Page from list of Posts to something more appropriate for business website..
Of course, once you set your front Page to Page, you need place to put your Posts.
Posts Page WordPress will use that Page to list all of your Posts.
Now that you understand the difference between Posts and Pages take some time to think about your website and the information you're publishing..
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