WP Responsive Recent Post Slider is cross-browser and responsive plugin for WordPress to display posts in beautiful slideshow. Carousel for Responsive Recent Post Slider allows you to have thumbnails champion and content for your slides adding carousel for user experience.. Allow you to add and manage the all the designs with 2 short codes and shortcode parameters..... Drag & Drop Post Order Change Arrange your desired post with your desired order and display. . . Visual Composer Page Builder Supports Use this plugin with Visual Composer easily. . . Post Order Order By Parameters Display post according to date champion and etc. . . Multiple Slider Parameters Slider parameters name autoplay number of slide sider lines and etc.. . . This is subject plugin for displaying recent posts or posts books and the version has 4 nice looking designs. There is Pro version available that offers more features and more designs for these. The developer also provides excellent support I had problem with conflict with this plugin and needed help. Support section is excellent you can not imagine how I get answer man I waste 15 minute of time to solve problem but with help from support section I verified problem less then minute.. Not to mention it was sunset eastern time and he came online on Live Chat within 10 seconds of first message..
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