As our users start to claim their writing with Google+ they are also learning about the benefits of upgrading to WordPress SEO plugin that comes with it. Joost de Valk and his WordPress at Yoast developed WordPress SEO plugin to help make WordPress, already great content management system for SEO, even better at managing SEO value of content published to the web.. Always choose the phrase that is most related to the view of your page or post. This is the aspect of SEO. Do not try to fit phrase into your page post content to build accuracy for it write new page or post about that topic instead.. Write your page post champion and the content about your Focus Keyword topic and save the draft. WordPress SEO plugin will then show you your score in Publish widget.. By putting it as close to the front of the title as possible, Enter Custom SEO Title and Meta Description wordpress-seo-plugin-focus-keyword-results-2The SEO Title is the associated champion that will appear in search engine results and should prioritize the Focus Keyword.. Once you've saved the page post you will be able to use Page Analysis in WordPress SEO plugin to get advice for change the engine optimization. Some effective rules of finger. Once you've made your edits, save the page post. By the plugin and will downgrade your score bit for using it in your, Similarly, the word and is considered word Focus Keyword phrase. Follow other SEO practices and you will still well be able to get to best score.. Should you shift the author of page or post you will find that WordPress SEO score changes. Dont worry go to the page in the director. Even minor update to text or photo shift can adversely impact your score. Save, then look at SEO score in Publish widget.
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