I hope you enjoying our community on SEO tips for WordPress and that you can make use of this. This is the chapter where we're going to talk about send or using the sitemap that you generateed in the episode. In our subject we useed SEO plugin by Yoast and you're going to add that to the Google webmasters search console.. Once you're inside there, you're going to go and add your property and your property is basically your page. So, you're going to double-click on add property, click URL of your page and then it's going to associate your terms with that new property that you added.. You may be asked to validate your page and there are several different categories that Google will brief you how to do that. And it's usually by adding something to the header of your page, uploading file to your website or adding something to your DNS.. Well, Google that all the pages that are on your page, sometimes we have pages on our site that are hidden or not in item, and we want Google to find this item so we'll include those in the xml issue. Maybe you are authors in there as well, so it will add all that to the site map and help Google find those additional pages that you did not build into your menu of your site or link from any other page on your site.. And this speeds up the power for Google to find those pages and have more pages available on the search index for your page.
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