The result is the definitive guide to making the images on your WordPress website search engine friendly.
For example, image of WordPress logo could have alt text saying ' WordPress logo This tells machines that it's image of WordPress logo..
WordPress SEO features makes it easy to create search engine friendly images and optimise for Google Images..
it wo not hurt to make sure the filename contains the main keyword for your WordPress page or post..
To use this SEO feature, click Thumbnail, Medium or Large and WordPress will resize the image accordingly.
This means that search engines look at the title and url of WordPress page or post where the image is situated, and the text around the image.
you'll be pleased to discover WordPress SEO plugin that will do much of the work for you..
But if you really ca not be bothered and lots of people ca not then WordPress SEO Friendly Images plugin covers the main points for you.
Most articles on SEO images seem to assume that using images to extra traffic to your website is good thing.
The main benefit of optimising your images is that is makes them more likely to rank in the image search results for example, Google images.
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