Once you have obtained QR code inaugurate Google Authenticator and double-click on the Add button on the bottom-right hand side of the application.. Click Protect Page and scan QR code with system using Google Authenticator.... If you are using WAF name Sucuri Firewall you can restrict access to URL's via dashboard without having to mess around with.htaccess files... We recommend using one of the following tools to connect to your server. SSH Secure Socket Shell is safe cable protocol and the common of well administering remote servers. If attacker decides they want to dab all site files or overwrites site files with buggy author the damage can be undone keeping site from your backups.. Response and recovery aren't just about responding to compromise or accident it's analyzing the impacts of attack to understand what happen and implementing controls to prevent it from happen again... Any other rules will go when BEGIN WordPress and # END WordPress statements.... # Block IPs for Apache 2.2.. order deny allow. allow from MYIP. allow from MYIP2. deny from all... # Block IPS for Apache 2.4.. If you are using IP you can referred to your employment How to lock WordPress Admin Panel with IP... # Protect wp-config Apache 2.2.. order allow deny. deny from all... #Protect wp-config Apache 2.4.. To disable issue editing from the roof include the following two lines of code at the end of your wp-config. php file. ## Disable Editing in Dashboard. define 'DISALLOW FILE EDIT true.. Since 2014 SSL has been importance spark for SEO and Google has also started to flag non- HTTPS page that transmit password and credit card data..
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