Tooltip keyword Matching Mode You can select show tooltips to the first matching tooltip describe in the same page or add tooltips effect to all matching keyword in the same page. Admin-friendly we added guide tips for each setting options when you hover the number mark of option description will be shown to brief you the terms of this setting option.. Of course we still keep the power to add few specified tooltips in home page you can still use Tooltips Shortcode to yank tooltips automatically in the home page. Options to only add tooltips for specified post types for experience you can setting to add tooltips only for post page and do not show tooltips for woocommerce product post type and so on.. Options to disable tooltips for specified pages when you add edit posts pages products you can choose to not add tooltips content from tooltips automatically even there are tooltips keyword in the post content. In wordpress tooltips director you can find synonyms setting meta box at top center of Enable Disable Tooltips For Image Setting You can enable or disable tooltips for your pictures in control board. Create tooltips automatically via shortcode to display Sitewide Manually you can add tooltips for WooCommerce Product in Table Cell Button in Pricing Table. and more. Version 4.3.3. Compress and minify all of JS files by up to 50% of size to speed up Compress and minify all of CSS files by up to 40% of size to speed up the site.. 2.2 Also I think if you run page you have too many posts need to edit so for help director work I added short shortcode. it have the configuration of the short code tts means tooltips ref means reference. 6.2 Also I think if you run page you have too many posts need to edit so for help director work I added short shortcode. it have the configuration of the short code tts means tooltips ref means reference.
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