On your main dashboard screen, you can enable Site Stats widget for your homepage to give you at-a-glance site views..
To add this widget to your dashboard, open your Screen Options tab and check Site Stats box..
you can add &nojs=1 to URL and re-load the page...
Note Jetpack stats does not track or show you Totals, Followers, and Shares on your stats page..
Ask Admin on the site to go to Dashboard ->Settings ->Traffic -> Site Stats and enable stats viewing for the other roles on the site. set.
please use our transfer tool..
This means that one person can follow your site on Reader and email notifications when you make new post.
Our stats get the timezone from WordPress, double-check the timezone at Settings -> General your Dashboard..
By adding the following code snippet to your site, As owner, you can force WordPress com Stats feature to honor any visitors with DNT enabled and not track their activity add filter.
Any piece of data identifying user is not visible to the owner when using this feature.
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