With WordPress Classifieds Plugin, your users can create and edit ads from the frontend. After installing this plugin, you will see two new menu number ' Classifieds and 'CustomPress. Ads can be created and edited from the backend... And payment application like recurring payments.... WordPress Classifieds Plugin Settings and Demo. To use this plugin, you'll need to decide what role lister should be assigned to when they sign up.. For demos and list of features of the WordPress Classifieds plugin, visit the online plugin page. Why such low prices. It's simple, we distribute inaugurate software, name the WordPress Classifieds plugin, without hard bundled support licenses. That means we can offer up to 50% discounts on WPMU plugins. Are the plugins disrupted in any way. Nope, we obtain all plugins and topic securely by buying directly from the author and we redistribute them without any alterations.. Instant access to EVERY plugin and topic on our page with WPMU PREMIUM Membership..
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