You can control placement and type of the gallery and you can choose what it includes just the main content or also the comments.. Once the user stops scrolling or scrolls first the content the fundamentally mutes when it is needed again.. Upload the plugin issues to the wp-content plugins worth-the-read directory or install the plugin through WordPress plugins screen directly.. Activate the plugin through 'Plugins screen in WordPress. Make sure you recommend it in Worth The Read settings page and that you're only viewing single post or page on site not your archive page for example. If the height of your post content is less than the height of the visible page the gallery will not display since the user already knows how much content there is.. The functionality is javascript-based so if you have experience caused by something center name this plugin or topic it could depress the display of the progress bar... Technically speaking the html tags added to DOM and corresponding CSS are and will not have any depress on the rest of DOM or any other plugins or your theme..... I really don't need to shift the settings day so why does this plugin create item in the roof AND the Customizer. Browse the code recheck out SVN repository or subscribe to the development log RSS....
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