Example. https www. youtube. com watch. v=quwebVjAEJA&width=500&height=350.. autoplay Set this to 1 to autoplay the video or 0 to play the video once. Example. https www. youtube. com watch. v=quwebVjAEJA&loop=1.. modestbranding Set this to 1 to remove the YouTube logo while playing or 0 to show the logo. Example. https www. youtube. com watch. v=quwebVjAEJA&rel=0.. showinfo Set this to 0 to hide the video champion and information or 1 to show it. Example. https www. youtube. com watch. v=quwebVjAEJA&fs=0.. autohide Set this to 1 to slide away the gallery after the video starts playing. Example https www. youtube. com watch. v=ABCDEFGHIJK&width=400&height=250 If you don't know exactly which video you want to embed use the free built-in search feature to find and yank one.. YouTube plugin is one of the not common plugins that has important part in the version that just works smooth and is not hard to set up..... Browse the code recheck out SVN repository or subscribe to the development log RSS.... This update includes increased tips Free and Pro and adds caching to Pro for faster page loading.. WordPress YouTube Embed 9.8. With this version the plugin can automatically detect language and set the interface of the YouTube player to match.. WordPress YouTube Embed 9.0. New features for all users lazy loading for the player and the power to hide player controls for cleaner look.. WordPress YouTube Embed 3.7.
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