Enable or disable various data parameters and when that present it the way you want by choosing the header layout. YouTube customization allows you to tighten the header to your rules. The goal is to let audience feel comfortable while they use YouTube plugin. Yottie has number of features in order to individualize UI for the user record. Just pirate Yottie's shortcode and paste it to Editor page when you edit page or post.. If you want to use the present channel as configuration for YouTube gallery and add more videos from other sources then define combination in group fields. The height of YouTube gallery plugin takes values due to the number of rows configuration in YouTube and the video layout.. It allows you to choose the number of columns rows and sewer in YouTube based on width of the year where page was opened... You can merge type of YouTube content channels playlists and individual videos you can add the videos by URLs and almost shape the content you need to display in any way you name. And the highest thing is that the only thing you need to do to create the gallery of your dreams is pirate YouTube URL and paste it into the Sources field. That's where you set gallery's greed the number of columns and rows the power that you're going to use and the view of the gallery scroll... With popup mode the video will play in the inline the video will play in the gallery and if you choose YouTube you will be deflected to YouTube to replay the video...
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