Upload Youtube Widget Responsive plugin to Activate Add in sidebar from Widgets OR put in the content or in visual composer.. You can put the link of youtube like.. http www. youtube. com watch. v= 9tBFVKhn5o.. or only the id of video like. 9tBFVKhn5o. You can put the link of playList like.. or. list=PLQJ9EnwZbMoLAW3MJ-B91YwcZnM9GvTPv. You can put the link of video uploaded like. list=LMFAOVEVO&listType=user uploads.. Simple just write email to stefanoai@stefanoai. com. For the text just write in the data these phrases translated in brackets. title. video. Hide the video champion and uploader before the video starts playing. Show suggested videos show When the video finishes. YouTube Responsive enable you to place widget with youtube video. Among the many application there is Also The Possibility to start the automatically. Hide video progress gallery video starts playing.
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