Features such as depth, the authority of the author, ation is does not seem to matter. While quality factors are important to Google, in my experience, what is most important is how relevant that content is for answering the search intent that is latent within search query.. Usually, what's missing from discussion about quality is the quality of how the content is useful to people. Focusing on depth of content, how complete it's and so on can put in the predicament as Charlie the tuna. For all the wheel spinning about HTTPS and quality this and quality that, where was the focus on the person making the search query.. In my opinion and experience, the better approach is to understand what those keywords mean to the people. But for the past few years it has meant matching the content with the needs of the user. It means understanding the user intent search intent in the keywords and constructing your content so that it satisfies the user search intent in the keyword phrase... Now the second part is about how being relevant to people who can boost exposure of your web page with social sharing and boost rankings with links.. View your keyword list through the framework of user intent search intent and then consider how the resulting content can be used to create user experience...
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