ACF Companion Lite brings ACF to Gutenberg-era with interface that Content Editors will love.. Pro of ACF Companion is available, this includes styles for over ACF fields and many other CSS classes to help you transform ACF UI in to something that is beautiful. Image field - with border added and oomph to bring it up to Gutenberg standards. To utilise CSS you add CSS classes to ACF fields. For example, to transform Color Picker, you add the acfc-color-picker to Color Picker field, and ACF Companion Lite styles will be applied. Take look at CSS classes to see all the fun to be had ... Simply add CSS class es to ACF field. CSS classes can be added at the bottom of the field settings on Edit Field Group screen... You'd have to include the files manually in your plugin theme, but you're free to modify as needed ... Interested in development.., check out SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS...
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