Add infos to the events calendar provides shortcode block to single events for The Events Calendar Free Plugin.
To be on the safe side, however, you should check this by going to the event after using the shortcut and checking that the links are executed correctly...
Attention if the plugin is deleted, the shortcode remains in the posts and events.
If the category does not exist, the list will be shown ) > always shows picture credits, but no link to external website and at vl=. the link to more events and at il= http internal example the link to another external or internal webesite...
No, if the plugin is deleted, the shortcode remains in the posts and events.
When installing the plugin, the path to the categories of TEC is recognized by the plugin.
This could be the path to the categories of The Events Calendar.
Add Infos to the events calendar into the field with the path, but without the category, so that you get URL for the example http beispielseite de events category..
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