In the following section of the article, I will also touch upon 5 push WordPress Plugins that will make your task simpler. By keeping them notified about every little update that you make on your site, Push Notification is popularly trending and very effective market strategy that helps you keep your users engaged in your website. And keeping your visitors in the loop is sure way to stay ahead of the hundreds of blogs that deal with the same niche as yours.. All you ned to do is look for plugins that allow you to send these notifications and add them to your WordPress site.. With Push Notification for WordPress, you can let your followers know about your new content, tempting them with the need to visit your site all over again.. It allows you to send your notifications to any device whether it's android, iOS or Fire OS, directly from your WordPress site. you can remain updated about the activity that happens in your blog.. From letting the author know about comments, to sending post notifications to registered and new users, pingback trackback and more this is the ultimate plugin that will give you satisfactory service.. Compatible with all major browsers, Push Monkey allows you to send notifications to your users desktop as soon as you publish new content on your site. You also have the liberty to filter your content and select the content about.
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