Customise your FAQs using Advanced FAQ Manager with options to change the text and background colour of FAQ title and content, and choose to display them in colors that suit your WordPress website.. You can choose to keep all FAQ accordions in the set closed at the page load, or keep the accordion open for FAQ in the set. The plugin also provides the option for viewers to share FAQs to media. Add Multiple Images to FAQ content Display images in FAQs using Insert Image button to give more detail to the answers... Style the Text and Background Colors Choose custom colors for the text and background of FAQ title and content from general settings, and match them to the colors of your theme... Override Global Style Settings for Individual FAQ Choose custom colors for text and background of FAQ title and content of specific set of FAQs by overriding the colors provided in general settings... Display Hide Updated Date of FAQs Choose to display the last updated date of FAQs so that the viewers can make sure they are up to date... Go to FAQs → Add New button and will create FAQ for FAQs.To manage, you can FAQ → Edit FAQ... Go to WordPress page you need FAQ to be displayed, edit and add this short-code into the area of the page. You will be provided with the option to set the colour for the text and background to that particular set of FAQs.
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