Whether you want to show blog posts, WooCommerce products, Easy Digital Downloads products, or just custom post types, this plugin will do the job. Ajax Content Browser comes with lot of shortcode options to allow you to customize the look and feel of the grid. If this is set, the grid will start from specific page instead of starting from the first page by default. comma separated list of custom taxonomies you want to allow the user to filter from. By default this shows categories and post tags but you can set which custom taxonomies you want to add as filter. show filters.. To hide the time, use the following show sortby.. Show or hide the ajax sorting dropdown which appears before the grid and enables you to sort items. Show or hide ajax date filter to allow users to browse items released over period of time. Show or hide the filter for WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads when they are enabled. For example to toggle the filter by default, you would have to add the following to your shortcode...
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