Our All In One Form Verification allows you to verify emails of all submissions accept submissions from users. If you are looking for more depth understanding on how to better manage, update and create list checkout our education material section on our website for more insights... Just add your VerifyBee API key and choose which types of emails to accept... Search for VerifyBee plugin via the Plugins section of your WordPress dashboard.. Go to the Settings page and copy paste API key from this page of your VerifyBee account. Upload cn-verifying-email php to the wp-content plugins directory 2. Activate the plugin through 'Plugins WordPress 3. You insert your VerifyBee API in the settings page which allows the plugin to connect to our servers and verify the email address provided in the form... Interested in development.., check out SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS... Changelog 1.4 wp validation fixed. 1.3.
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