THEN Drag your chosen widgets to the sidebar called. widgets for shortcode... Add the do widget shortcode to the page where you will name the widget to need or the do widget area. Please see detailed information on shortcodes and parameters under the tab based what the directory users have only done this will be under the FAQ or at the very least under the readme.. Reference specific widget example from the do widget shortcode or the sidebar from the do widget area shortcode. For You could use the comments posts widget in the page to create books within page or the rss widget to list feed content from other sites. The action is that it will magically find the settings for your topic sidebar and use the html to control the output. In most type this means the widget will be referred as per the rest of topic. No problem the plugin will save and restore the widgets for shortcode settings. PLEASE get your widgets working in BEFORE demonstrating this plugin and please read https wordpress. org plugins amr-shortcode-any-widget introduction and https wordpress. org plugins amr-shortcode-any-widget books and or see the settings page. To see list of your widgets in their sidebars add. do widget debug to the page with the do widget shortcode.....
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