While such duplication is to cause you to be filtered out of the search results, it does lead to keyword cannibalization and could downgrade Google's view of your overall site quality as these additional URLs add no real value. 2. You will often find ways to reduce the number of URLs and so minimize SEO impact. Avoid these issues by asking your developer to write script to always place parameters in order, regardless of how the user selected them.. You can rel=canonical your parameter based URLs to your SEO-friendly URL for tracking, identifying or reordering parameters. URLs with a noindex tag are also likely to be crawled less frequently and if it's present for time will lead Google to nofollow the page's links.. Configure Google's URL tool to tell crawlers the purpose of your parameters and how you would like them to be handled.. After all, subfolders surpass parameters to help Google understand site structure and static, keyword based URLs have always been cornerstone of on-page SEO.. It's also issue for searching parameters, as every user generated query would create static page that vies for ranking against the canonical or worse presents to crawlers quality content pages whenever user has searched for item you do not offer.. it ca not consolidate the ranking signals to the canonical page.. For all remaining parameter based URLs, implement consistent ordering rules, which use keys once and prevent empty values to limit the number of URLs..
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