By algorithmic or action, Quality Guidelines, some of the illicit practices that may lead to site being removed from Google index or otherwise impacted. Header location should be used for navigation that is, linking to pages and sections of your website that should be most prominent. For example Header menu may link to Home page, About page, Services page, Blog index, Archives index, and Contact page. For creating XML sitemaps, we always recommended WordPress SEO by Yoast plugin.. On Edit Post or Edit Page screen, in WordPress SEO meta box, click the Advanced tab.. Fast sites increase satisfaction and improve the quality of the web, and we hope that the overall speed of the web will improve... 1 ) Use PageSpeed Insights.. Google's PageSpeed Insights tool will analyze your site for both mobile and performance, flagging issues and offering recommendations on how to improve speed. 2 ) Install caching plugin.. CDN will detect where they are in the world, and then provide them the assets from server is closest.. Plugins like Better WP Security, Wordfence, and Sucuri will help make your website considerably more secure. 2 ) Sign up for Google Webmaster Tools.. Requiring approval for all comments, or requiring the commenter to have previously-approved comment associated with their email address, will help you catch the spammers that leak through...
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