It's phenomenon that's probably bit surprising you may just notice your organic rankings going up as well. Truth is, investing Google Ads wo not affect your organic rankings. we've also doubled organic traffic, mostly with related other keywords. Watch the video or read the transcript further down the page for my answer.. It does not matter whether that increase in site engagement comes from Ads, Facebook traffic, or anywhere else. more people search for your brand, and talking about you online, you will do better in the search. So, it does not relate to you paying for Ads, it relates to you having more website traffic overall, and to people talking more about your brand. SEO dilemma to which you ca not find the answer. Note you may want to check our blog and knowledge base first, the answer to your question could already be out there. For urgent questions, for example about the Yoast SEO plugin not working, please contact us through our support page..
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