This is theme made by TouchSize, premium themes and plugin creator www The company is WordPress developer that always looks for quality and beautiful aesthetics along with excellent options and settings... br>This theme provides sleek and template perfect to create professional website with ease. Built-in menu, 12 column layouts, contact form with custom fields, custom posts like video, gallery, portfolio, slider and more, case it in beautiful way. It's retina ready markup and settings coupled with unlimited color options, beautiful social sharing options, crafted elements create perfect and harmonious website for you, making it the choice from blog to big, content photography website.. It's translatable and WPML ready, case posts, galleries, videos or custom slides, fully responsive down to Avena is theme that brings your website to new level... Attention to details, crafted elements for increasing your content views and engagement and SEO were few of the things we, at TouchSize had in mind when we developed and launched this theme. We created product to set new standards of options visually excellent.. Requirements - PHP 5.6+ - memory limit 256MB - max execution time 120 - upload max filesize 32MB. Version 1.0.1 - Oct 30, 2018 - Fixed image - Fixed image upload for image selectors only - Fixed header z-index issues - Added notification for wp remove post option not working - Fixed testimonials issue with animation for elements to be animated on scroll...
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