Our vision is to use tools you already have to grant small businesses the ability to provide big-business service and accessibility using technology solutions.. BabbleConnect chat can help change that meaning more engagement, more conversions, more insight, and more sales.. You just need to talk to visitors when they're live on your site. Help customers who have questions, encourage them to use your services, and get critical feedback — in real-time, using the text messaging on your phone.. Live real-time chat helps you keep & convert more visitors.. Get actionable feedback that will help improve your referral base and deepen existing relationships.. Get email addresses right inside of BabbleConnect's chat so you can follow up later.. Talk to your website visitors and customers in real-time via Text Messages .. Customize the data gathered from anonymous visitors before initiating conversation, i.e., email or phone, either optional or required... After enabling the plugin, use BabbleConnect Administration Tools to customize your widget, e.g., integrate its look and feel to match your site...
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