There are also best hot trending WP themes for Bakery-Cake Well designed, functionality, flexibility, fashionable support team. Any one of these Bakery Cake WordPress themes would be choice. Bakery & Cake WordPress Theme Cake Art Bakery & Cake WordPress Theme Cake Art is the choice for any sweet, bakery, cake, food, chocolate, ice cream shop. Besides that, Cake WordPress Theme Cake Art is also included WP Editor using integrations with CodeMirror and FancyBox to create environment, rework WordPress file editing capabilities.. Not only support WooCommerce, Bakery & Cake WordPress Theme Cake Art still have many other features such as Contact form 7, MailChimp, Bootstrap & FontAwesome 2. 2.. Best Bakery-Cake WordPress Theme Collection 2016 Bakery theme This is the first theme mentioned in my list. The name says it all Bakery is WordPress theme designed for bakery, cake and food related shops. menu, order form, offer, gallery, news etc., this is choice. You still hesitate. Let's look at these facts of this Cake WordPress No.1 SOLD Theme, No.1 TOP RATED on Retail Category on May 2015, 2nd TOP NEW AUTHOR for May 2015 and among TOP NOTCH SUPPORTS.. This is one of the most trending crafted WordPress theme for Bakeries, Chocolates, Cakes, Restaurants and other businesses offering foods and beverages.. Actually, this Cake WordPress theme is very well designed, four column layouts for navigation with banner images and the perfectly suited scheme make the template be one of the best-looking themes in market. Supported 100% Responsive, your site will be perfect on any device. Also, this Cake WordPress theme is optimized for SEO friendly, highly customizable, updated and supported many custom page templates like Archive, Blog, Full Width, Image Gallery, Contact..
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