Being the owner by using WordPress Forum plugins you can make community for your entire website users and provide them chance to learn and share or contribute.. Let's have look at WordPress forum plugins and how to add them to your WordPress website to build 1 ) bbPress. Log in to your WordPress dashboard and go to Menu Dashboard> DW Q & A> Settings then choose the page where to submit the questions to the form and the list page... Go to the in Appearance> menu admin page, Manage Forum Colors by going to Styles Admin Page, under settings in the Forums of the Dashboard, you can choose here Forum Color Styles... This is platform for asking and receiving answers and is available for Add-ons embed, Ad Manager, Private Messages and more. Here the users get signed in to the forum thus the forum accounts are created for your existing or new WordPress users. 8 ) BuddyPress Toolbar. The great part is that you can join bbPress and BuddyPress so that people can be offered platform section with region to create more social level relationship. One can migrate to Vanilla from any other platform, with the help of the ready-made exporters for vBulletin, phpBB, bbPress and many more. At Vanilla the community is unique, intuitive and engaging automatically curates content and lets the member drive the 10 ) AnsPress. It's source and developer friendly plugin for WordPress used to create question and answer network just like StackOverflow and Quora.
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