In this article, we will discuss WordPress optimizer plugins and tools which helps you to perfectly resize image without losing its picture quality. Before we go in the tools let us first understand why image loses its quality and how we can resolve it.. When you change the size of the image you change the megapixel count due to. The plugin compresses most of the image types like JPG, PNG, GIF images and optimizes PDF as well... The size of the image is configured at the time of activation of the plugin and when image is uploaded. In actual the size of the image depends upon the width of your content as the plugin is dynamic and changes the images by it.. CW Image Optimizer plugin uses the optimization programs offered by Linux to reduce the size of the images, hence enhancing the performance of the website. As CW Image Optimizer uses the lossless techniques to optimize your images the quality of those images before and after the process of optimization remains the same. increase the pixel size resolution and to enlarged the size of the image, reduce the pixel size.. Select or upload the image you want to resize from your computer or you can paste URL of the image from the web.. Now to upload the file, log in to your WordPress dashboard and go to Plugins » Add New » Upload Plugin and upload file that you just created in the previous step...
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