Time saving features and reduction of labor costs with WordPress extensive line-up of features, has garnered market share of 30 percent of all websites worldwide, according to W3Tech. The most popular content management system makes website creation easier.. The host company takes care of technical aspects that include WordPress speed, performance, backup, software updates, security and many more, while allowing you to focus on the non- aspect of creating your website content.. with the number of Vendors offering WordPress Managed hosting, choosing WordPress hosting among them for your business or agency can be daunting task. They offer numerous plans and incentives for customers depending on the plans they subscribe for these include Startup, Growbig and GoGeek plans.. Their hosting plans range from WP-1000S for small blogs to the more advanced WP- 6000S for big organizations that wants unlimited WordPress performance. DreamHost WordPress managed hosting plans start at $16.95 monthly for Dream Press for small websites and blog to $71.95 for DreamPress Pro for websites with performance demands.. . The price range from $499 month for the least available plan to $2249 month for the most expensive plan. Pagely provides WordPress Managed hosting service for many firms that include Visa, Disney, Vet Organic, Virgin Atlantic and many more. FastComet has three plans for hosting your WordPress managed site StartSmart, ScaleRight and SpeedUp plans. The least with fewer features is StartSmart, while SpeedUp plan has more features.
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