Whether you are looking for website to inform guests of local hotels, of your wedding pictures after the event has taken place WordPress wedding theme can help you.. Each of the themes listed below come equipped with everything you need to ensure your wedding website is success just make sure to add great information.. The home page is constructed using drag & drop interface to ensure you have to use the components that you want to. modern stylish wedding theme that offers all the features that you will need to create exciting website that impresses even your most savvy guests. Wedding Vow is single page wedding theme that looks just as good when viewed on Iphone or Ipad as it does on desktop computer... The author of this theme has gone at least three steps beyond, he offers 23 video tutorials for beginners and will even install and setup the theme when required... The theme also provides gift section where you can list the online stores where your wedding lists are held the theme also includes RSVP module... The GeekLove theme offers something little more built RSVP manager & contact form, and modern design. truly WordPress theme for your wedding day that includes RSVP form that also allows guests to select their choice and. I will ensure to keep this post updated with all the new releases as we delve deeper into 2014 and if you are getting married soon it's idea to get your website up and running ASAP..
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