Combining Toolset Blocks with Gutenberg means that even non-coders can design the website they want in the back-end without even using HTML or CSS.. It meant Toolset would function completely with the main page builder on WordPress and could spend more time improving the product rather than adapting to the needs of multiple third parties... But now the designer can add their designs straight to WordPress without spending the money on developer or having to delay the project.. With dynamic content, you can create one template with your blocks knowing that WordPress will pull the right content from the database depending on the post type the user clicks on.. That's right you can now build completely custom website without even using CSS or HTML thanks to Gutenberg and Toolset Blocks.. Given how simple it's to design and build websites using Toolset Blocks and Gutenberg you can spend time reading the documentation. Head to Toolset->Dashboard and click Create Content Template section to create template for your post type... 2. Head to Toolset->Dashboard and click Create Archive option next to the custom post type... 2. Change the number of columns by clicking Block Navigation in the top left of the page and selecting WordPress loop. 4. Drag the toggle under Loop Style section on the sidebar to change the number of columns.. 5.
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