small simple plugin that enables shortcode support to create columns directly in your posts pages.. This plugin enables you to bisect content in TinyMCE editor into columns that are either half third two third three fourth one fourth one fifth two fifth three fifth four fifth one sixth or five sixth wide... Upload the folder to the wp-content plugins directory. Activate the plugin through 'Plugins in WordPress..... This plugin enables you to use short codes center in TinyMCE editor when writing post and or page.. This is the hill This is the center collumn. Browse the code recheck out SVN repository or subscribe to the development log RSS.... Click the enter the number of columns and voilá. No need to enter the shortcodes by hand only again if you wish to use something for experience name you'll also need to enter those by hand. Meaning any columns you've created will wrap under each other and be 100% width if the width is not maximum of 480px iPhone in landscape mode...
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