When you install CatchFeeder, it will import products from your store and you can choose. Products are kept up to date with automated syncing between WooCommerce, CatchFeeder and Catch.. Orders from Catch.com au are sent through to your store for fulfilment with your existing processes.. Choose which products to list To list product, choose Catch Marketplace category you want your products to be listed under. Block product or products by keyword or other criteria to only list the products you want on Catch.. Product and Inventory Syncing CatchFeeder keeps your products and inventory sync with automated syncs between WooCommerce, CatchFeeder and Catch.. Use your existing fulfilment processes Orders are sent through to your store and inventory updated when you make sale on Catch. Add the tracking code and in your store when the order is fulfilled and the order is then updated on Catch.. Optimize Products for Catch You can change the price, title and description of products for Catch without making changes to the in your store.. Interested in development.., check out SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS...
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