Secondly, do not forget to replace the wp table prefix by the prefix used on your WordPress website install, otherwise, the queries wo not work.. Using SSH you can connect to your server and run the queries directly into your MySQL database.. Using WordPress plugin Database My Admin is WordPress plugin that allows you to run any SQL queries against your WordPress database from within your WP dashboard. By the username of which you want to change the password, modify the query below by replacing admin username new password is the desired updated password.. you need to update hardcoded links within your articles. Spam is common and there's no doubt that lot of spam will be received.. By one and identify which one was causing problems, Most likely, this will solve the error and allow you to log back into your WP dashboard, where you can re-activate plugins one.. The first thing to do is to retrieve IDs of WordPress users. Once logged into MySQL, use SQL query to get list of users, and their IDs. Run this query to assign author to all articles assigned to OLD AUTHOR ID..
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