Need plugin that makes it easy for your visitors to confirm the file they pulling from your site is genuine and untampered. Any change, malicious or otherwise, to the file you make available for download will be flagged by the immutability of the blockchain. Upload the plugin files to the wp-content plugins codenotary-verify directory, or install the plugin through WordPress plugins screen directly.. Attackers gaining access to your website can inject malware or worse into the files you offer to your users. CodeNotary does the heavy lifting for you and verifies each file you offer for download by ensuring its fingerprints match the fingerprints you saved for that respective file.. For your downloaders, they can feel at ease knowing they are protected downloading from your site. Ways to Verify Video .. Edit your blog post or page with Guttenberg editor, click on the button to add new block and choose. When user clicks on enhanced download link the download starts and our script will open CodeNotary Verify.. The user can verify now the downloaded file with drag and drop to CodeNotary Verify... Interested in development.., check out SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS... 1.0.
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