Codilight theme review, it's magazine style WordPress from FameThemes which is option to create any kind of blog.. You need to be very careful while selecting your WordPress as the look and feel of your site plays in the success of your site. We all know that content is the aspect of any blog, and bad design can ruin all the hard work you put in to create quality content... We have already written about number of amazing WordPress themes, also you can check our collection section to find some amazing WordPress themes for different niches like themes for travel business, community site themes etc... you must go for WordPress theme. there are number of WordPress themes, it's always better to go for theme because you get premium support and frequent updates and the number of quality features.. Categories, Tags, Menu Items, Social Media Profiles, Social Sharing Icons and Search Option, all these elements are part of the navigation and still it does not look overcrowded... Codilight provides you option to change the scheme of your site easily, it comes with pre-built color options. The Codilight theme comes with number of custom made widgets make it easy for you to get in some features to your site like Custom Video Widget, Custom Flickr Widget, Custom 125 x 125 Ad Widget, Custom 300 x 250 Ad Widget, Custom Tabbed Widget, Custom Recent Posts Widget, Custom Popular Posts Widget, Custom Subscribe Widget, Custom Twitter Widget.. The theme comes for $49 and you can get those for $129.
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