Comic Book Management System allows comic book creators to upload information about upcoming books such as their diamond code, release date, image and their role on the book, so that fans know when each book is being released.. Automatically removes books and cover images if they have passed their release dates... Add, Edit and Remove books by accessing CBMS admin panel on your wordpress dashboard.. To display books out this week add the shortcode to your site.. To display books out next week add the shortcode to your site.. To display books available for pre-order add the shortcode to your site.. To display all upcoming books add the shortcode to your site... Send email to info@ inksplat ie and I will take care of any issue you are having... Just reminder to any artists using the plugin, in the event that new comic book day falls on any day other than Wednesday, please ensure that you select the release date as Wednesday to the date... Interested in development.., check out SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS...
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