Con Form healthy living WordPress theme for magazine, news, editorial and blog websites they cover empowering, lifestyle, fitness, diet, nutrition, lifestyle or exercise topics.. Con Form is developed for every blogger it's easy-to-use and you will receive documentation along with additional features like Layout Creator with mosaic, slider and magazine features, unlimited color schemes, Google webfonts, custom widgets etc. Functions are based on rock-solid Master Magazine and Redux frameworks.. Plus, you can earn money via multiple, product advertising posts .. Easy-to-use Layout Creator, Advanced theme admin panel, Modular page Coutless layouts, Featured main sliders, Featured sections, Unique Mosaic section, Main, Footer menu. Extended menu, Responsive layout, Unlimited color schemes, Google font selector custom typography. Layout Creator blocks 2 columns blocks, Blog block, Large slider, Mosaic block, Info Posts block, Magazine 1 block. Magazine 2 block, Magazine 3 block, Ads block, Widgets block, Custom menu block, Call-to-action block, Text and Divider block, and more... Builder template, Full-Width template, Redirect, Error 404, Archive templates, 9 post layouts, Search template.. Advanced shordcode generator 50+ amazing shortcodes 9+ custom widgets Featured, Slider widget, Ads 300px, Ads 4×125px, Flickr Photos, About Info, Social Networks, Latest Tweets, Reviews widget,. and more...
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