Using Intent Indicators, CEF can detect and protect earlier than Indicators of Compromise or IP blacklist-based solution. Increase performance, reduce fraud, thwart attacks, and serve your real customers.. The Floodspark Cyber Intent Blog is all about just that, cyber intent. Here we will cover the art and science of it and the in Counterespionage Firewall portfolio that turn these ideas into reality.. CEF and was designed to leave protection against web attacks to WAFs. CEF specializes in web-type intelligence and leaves the protection of other services to the host firewall... CEF helps you in the cyber-attack chain, during the Reconnaissance stage, to disrupt malicious research efforts. bank may want to block visitors using Tor to reduce fraud, while newspaper may recognize that readers and journalists have in using Tor to avoid censorship and retribution... Intent Indicators are the attacker's traits, or Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures, observable during the phase traits, that with high confidence, would not belong to legitimate visitor traffic and behavior... Interested in development.., check out SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS...
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