Continuous coming Panda and Penguin updates increase the thirst fire of blogger to think about SEO ways to let them survive and maintain their sites..
By most of browsers and is upper hand in the race, Due to lack of browser support, tables cause problems while CSS is well supported, and is very SEO.
Be clear about the fact that writing quality content is the factor for the success of any website not just SEO practices.
What CSS will do SEO is to make your page structure more convenient for search engines to read and crawl your content and hence will results in better page visibility.
By minimizing the server requests and images, The main purpose for using CSS is to make the pages load faster.
Google page speed emphasis every website developer to use CSS sprites to minimize the server load and help the web-pages load quicker.
This way the web-page even if reloaded will connect to already opened CSS file.
Use HTML tags to indicate SEs about the important content of your web-page like rather than using fancy tag.
Further for creating menus and navigation, consider the menu tags and and further the and elements to link to the important pages of your website.
One can separate HTML content from in in-line code stuffing which makes the code way lighter, cleaner and faster.
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