In fact the plethora of options can some times be confusing or even dangerous if some of the available options allows user to break their site. By restricting access to necessary options depending of the role, WordPress tries to minimize both the clutter and prevent accidents. You have few options, you can use the roles & capabilities API to customize what each role can do on your site, or even create custom roles for your users, more info on how to do that here. After you install and activate the plugin you will find its control panel under Settings > Adminimize. The list the options you can modify and the columns the user roles found on your site. Checking box will deactivate the option for the role, just make sure you always click the Update Options button after any changes so they can be applied. . There are quite lot of options available as you will be able to see just by scrolling around. Some of the more interesting that I tend to utilize on sites I work on are the following. authors and even less experienced administrators. However the amount of options makes it very tedious to repeat and replicate, luckily the plugin supports importing exporting configurations to make your easier. To do that you will need to go to the Uninstall Options section, check the box and click the Delete Options button.
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