Inside the Post on the right side of Block's Toolbar the plugin icon button should appear ..
Click the ADD or REPLACE buttons to insert the block with its demo content inside the editor..
In Demo Content for Blocks plugin should appear, click Install Now button..
Inside the script call the in the following way const { } = wp.i18n const addMyGroup = groups => { return, Default is Enter color for the heading background background color #d5c7ab., If your blocks need images to be uploaded to Media Library, add them here custom images, items } ] } ] } wp.hooks.
If your blocks make use of images that need to be uploaded to Media Library, you need to fill the group property custom images with array of those images data..
-Include object which includes the property dc resolve with value function that returns the property.
So if the width was 1000 and its height 500, then the attribue would end up with the value aspect ratio 2.
The path is taken from JSON object returned from the media response of WordPress REST API ..
Alternatively the Plugin can be opened from Show More button ..
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