Dolce Theme comes with content oriented design, whether you are planning to create blog or magazine site you will find it ideal match for your new website. The template has responsive design and that's the advantage for users to open your site from any device like Tablet, smart phones, iPad and more. Dolce WordPress Theme features consist of large homepage slider, case best articles. Apart from that you will get total six homepage layouts where you will have different choices to present your contents using different slider and featured article options. To suffice the need of posting images, links, quotes, videos and other contents you will get support for all kind of pos formats. Apart from that Dolce WordPress Theme has widget ready sidebar to place ready drag and drop widget to add more contents like author picture & detail, media buttons, twitter messages, recent posts, recent comments and more. By inserting code into the widget, It will also allow you to display banner just, this way you will have better chance to promote any premium ads for extra revenue.. Most of the development of Dolce Theme is done with the latest coding technology, and that will give you benefit of web crawling and indexing into the search engines. Shortcodes are great way to speed-up the optimization task, stylish buttons, paragraphs and other elements without doing any coding.. Post formats support for Links, Quotes, Video, Gallery, Audio.
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